dr. slamon: and it's not effective en for all of those patients.t be rigorously tested... not only in the laboratory, but with patients. research conducted by doing clinical trials that involve patients with cancer have made extraordinary contributions to our treatment of cancer. fifty years ago, virtually all children with cancer died. now, 75 or 80%... basically are cured of their cancer, live more than five to ten years, and usually live a normal life span. that's all due to the fact that virtually every child with cancer is enrolled in a clinical trial. dr. ganz: i remember some young men, that when i first trained, with testicular cancer -- a rare cancer, but very aggressive. and they would routinely be dying on our wards with advanced tumors. and, again, being so close in age to them, it was a very tragic situation. and all of a sudden, a new drug came on the scene. it was called cisplatinum, and it had actually been tested in some experimental trials where they took all sorts of patients with advanced cancer, and, lo and behold, a few of the