this century will be under one celsius degree a similar conclusion has recently been come to by dr roy spencer and his colleagues in a paper just about to be published it's just passed peer review analyzing the clouds and showing once again that there has been a prodigious exaggeration in the models and what we're now getting is an increasing number of people in the literature based on the measurement of what's going on in the real climate rather than speculation for instance if we measure what's actually happening to see ice there has been no significant change in global sea ice extent throughout the thirty years of the satellite records i've lived for the moment ok go ahead i'm superhero adyar go ahead. i would like to you know i didn't come here a long time familiar with with your work and i actually didn't come on this program to. expecting to refute i share some of your concerns about how we deal with this in a deliberate and reasonable way but your first statement there that it's not happening in their short term trend short term variation negates a long term trend i just i just found pr