dr. stacey begen who was a teacher herself and now an expert to help us all understood the myriad of laws and rules with special education so we know that the students can get what they need. so i hope that you can all come. thank you. >> where? >> i knew that i was leaving something out. >> it is at oconnel high school 8:30 to 12:30, saturday, march second. thanks very much. >> thank you. >> anything else? >> thank you, miss solomen. >> okay. we are moving on to item kadvisory committee reports appointment to the advisory committee by board members, are there y other pointments by the board members? >> i have one. i am appointing mr. chuck horn brooke to the peace pac. >> okay. item l. special order of business. we have several action items. i would like to hear a motion on the resolution to decrease the number of certificated employees due to the reduction in particular can kinds of services >> may i have a motion? >> moved. >> second? >> thank you. >> may i have a reading of the recommendation by the superintendent? or the designee mr. bush man? >> i would like you to read the i think