dr. steffen schmidt joining us once again, political science professor at iowa state. so what do you think of how jeb is doing, spececically how'd he do i i this debate? >>steffen: much h tter, but at' not saying much because he hasn't been doing very well. >>amanda: right. >>steffen: but i think the general consensus was that he seemed more controlled, a little more aware that he has to perform. i mean, the problem is he wasn't performing. he was trying to just sort of behave himself. >>amanda: mmhmm. >>steffen: and that doesn't work this year. >>amanda: overall, what was your impression of all the candidates in this debate or how the debate went? >>steffen: oh, i think it was much more disciplined. obviously the great kudos go to how the, how the debate was organized. >>amanda: mmhmm. >>steffen: the moderators were terrific. their questions didn't set the, (crosstalk) >>steffen: set on fire the way it did previously and i think that' important because it gives the candidates more of chance to shine as opposed to the people who are asking the questions. (crosstalk) >>a