dr. steffie , woolhandler, a professor at cuny-hunter college and a primary care physician. dr.illie parker, respond to what has finally been revealed by the republicans in the senate, this health care bill, and specifically what it means for women. bill to me looks like rivers robin hood bill where it will steal from the poor to give to the rich. the president called for a bill with more heart. but what we end up from the senate is more heartless bill. what it will mean, as you other guests have said, the most vulnerable people who .ely on medicaid you're talking about not just brooks, but the women who give birth. it is alarming that if women lose access to coverage for prenatal care and for childbirth, something that we are never even conceived of, that alarming in the context of the fact we have rising maternal mortality in this country -- a lot of which can be prevented by things that can be discovered during prenatal care. so there is that impact. there's also the impact of -- the fact that the affordable care act expanded access to the preventative services of familyeptiv