dr. steven bergmann. coming up, something you really want to hear. a lot of people are interested in this. a proven way to eat more and also weigh less. first, let me give you a story this weekend about healing after a teenager's unthinkable accident. >> circle left. >> riding horses has been her passion since she was 4 years old. first lessons, then shows. even worked as a barn. two years ago, all that came to a screeching halt for 16-year-old krystal. >> i was getting a shower. i felt muscle cramps in my bid mack. >> she got out, got dressed. >> i felt a sharp explosion of pain. >> by the time she arrived at the hospital, she couldn't walk, the cause, a ruptures disk in her spine. >> they told me where y am a bruised spinal cord and was a paraplegic from the waist down. >> she had a narrowing of the spinal canal that encased the spinal cord. after surgery, she was transferred to the international center for spinal cord energy in baltimore. >> it is very, very, very intensive therapy for at least two hours twice a day every day. >> she pushed hersel