sullivan show. miss, i'll pick them up for you. -mr. benny, the doctor will see you now. -i'm dr. whitney, won't you sit over here, sir? -yes, yes. thank you. -now then mr. benny, what seems to be your trouble? -well, i've had a sort of an irritation here on my arms. in matter of fact, in both arms here. and it's been bothering me for weeks. -well, let's have a look at it, shall we? -okay. most annoying, this thing here. i'll show you in just a second. -yes, yes. that does look a little nasty. there's an obvious subcutaneous (jargon). -i thought it was just a rash. -it is. -but for heaven's sakes why didn't you say so? this thing has really been annoying me. i'd like to find out the cause of it. -well, is there any other area that used to be bothering you? -no, just the arm. -mmhmm. have you ever had hives? -ask me that again, will you doc? -i said, have you ever had hives? -yes, i got rid of them when the price of honey went down. -no. whenever a comedian comes in, i always ask that first to get that nonsense out of the way. -oh. -and incidentally, bob hope's answer -now then, a