dr. sunding's words, not mine. how can the public adequately outline the impacts of the proposal if the economic proposal is as useless as dr. sunding indicates? >> we have that report. i have not personally read it yet, but it's going into the docket. we will formally put it into the docket for this rule and analyze it to see what we may need to do with our economic analysis. i can tell you right off, and we had a discussion about this earlier and it was probably less successful than i would desire to explain this, but all flood plains are not jurisdictional waters. just the fact that it is inundated annually by a spring flood or every 10 years by a 10-year flood does not make it jurisdictional. it's just an indicator that the water that is there all the time or under those other characteristics i just mentioned to you then it would be jurisdictional because they are adjacent to the other stream. we use it as a way to determine in the size of hydrology whether it's adjacent. so if you make an assumption that the e