dr. tom coburn talked about medical liability reform, senator alexander spoke eloquently, our own dr. boustany from this body did a great job representing our doctors. we know now what's in store for us. i want to just say to my colleagues and to my friends back home, let's don't give up the fight. if this is what they want to do, if this is what the democratic majority wants to do, this is what the president insists on, they're going to pay the consequences politically. unfortunately, that's not the greatest concern. the greatest concern is, of course, the health of -- both think physical health and economic health of this country and i think it's in great peril. i know we have other members, mr. speaker, that have joined representative king and want to weigh in on this, so i'll yield back but i thank you for the opportunity to be with you this afternoon. mr. king: reclaiming my time, i thank the doctor, congressman and gentleman from georgia for joining us, we have 23 minutes or so to continue the dialogue and i appreciate the intellect that's been brought to this debate. i think th