dr. troske. >> thank you.to start by thanking the witnesses for appearing before the panel today. i appreciate you coming here to help us with our oversight responsibility. in my opening comments today, i wanted to touch on a topic that while not the primary subject of today's hearing, it is certainly related. that's the roll of regulation and regulatory oversight in the recent financial crisis. one common theme in the aftermath of the recent crisis has been that the crisis would have been prevented by more regulation. of course, in our economic system, there are two sources of regulation. that imposed by the market, and that imposed by the government. both forms of regulation have their strengths and weaknesses. in my opinion, however, many of the calls for increased government regulation fail to recognize some of the inherent weaknesses in this type of regulation. it is important to start off by recognizes that regulators are human beings, not super heros, they respond just like all over human beings. govern