dr. ventner want to assemble a million. can you get those by going to the philadelphia children's hospital and using some of theirs? >> that's a great question. and we're trying to come up with every possible way to assemble this million strong cohort by taking advantage of things that have been already been done instead of having to start from scratch. and we will, in fact have a major meeting in your state on may 27, 28 with a number of those who have been managing these large scale cohorts gathering together to see if there is a way to put them together in a way that would prevent -- >> can can you estimate the number of genomes that have been sequenced? >> i should be clear. when you say genome sequencing, some people are referring to a sampling of the base pair. a genome type a snip chip is the term that's often used. some are talking about sequencing just the parts of the genome that code for protein, we call that the exome. to do a whole genome sequence is becoming quite affordable. most of the cohorts have not yet d