dr. washburn said, the chair of the compliance and amendments committee, to request that you consider having a joint open meeting about the ethics commission regulations on sunshine. i think that even though the ethics staff clearly disagrees with us that there are a number of things that you might want to take into consideration. there are a number of things that happen within the city that demonstrate that the ethics staff opinion that is only willful violations is elegant misleading and perhaps incorrect because, first of all, the ethics commission is tasked with collecting all of the signatures stating that the required employee's and elected officials and public officials have taken sunshine training, so you are clearly involved, and in section -- one section, it refers specifically to the ethics commission. it says, in addition, the commission adopt rules and regulations related to carrying out the purposes and provisions of ordinances regarding open meetings and public records. the individual clauses of the sunshine ordinance do not work outside of a law, the of the laws. big public r