this question is for dr. wiker and doctor edward. i think one of my favorite authors that i used to quote, although several, was father benedict. is a franciscan friar. he writes a lot of books and i was in a class of 30. i was the only one defending terri schiavo. my question was when i was in that class, i felt so outnumbered and i didn't know what to do. and my question is do you think we have a classic challenges us that it would be good to take out quotes may be and have like a list of talking points that would help us? because i'm a senior now, when we are and i didn't, but i felt if i had se advice to really help me in really bad and that it would have helped me. so if you could give advice, ank you. >> it's -- i went to vanderbilt, and it was awful. [laughter] >> what i learned about how it is that you function in sort of the intellectual underground and under continuous persecution. and it's not easy. it takes a lot of mail logs, but that is essentially what you're doing. but the culture will do that to you as well. the best