dr. willie mcfar land and i want to acknowledge them and their entire team. (applause) >> the hiv prevention section formerly led it now it's led by tracy packer who is here in the crowd. (applause) >> and stacey leads an amazing team of people. they not only oversee and set the priorities for hiv prevention in the entire city and serve as really, again, one of the flagship prevention programs globally in making decisions about how to have the biggest impact on driving down new infections. but they're also a world class research organization that does research on testing, on linkage to care, community viral load, treatment of substance use as a way to prevent new hiv infections. and she, again, has a very difficult verse and very talented team and we're really excited to work with them as well. (applause) >> and then finally i want to introduce my staff. we were formally known as the hiv research section. but as you can see we have these other world class research organizations housed in our same institution. so, we've renamed ourselves bridge hiv. and i'm go