dr. woodcock, it takes so long to get these drugs approved. is it all fda's fault and how can we improve? >> there are standards enforced by the fda as most parts of the development. after a drug is discovered, companies have to figure out whether it's worth investing in so they do studies to see whether they think it will work before they put it into people. and that's a good business decision. that's not driven by the fda. but there's also toxicology studies that have to be done in animals to make sure it's safe enough to put into those first human volunteers. there are few people who would say you shouldn't do that, actually. you know, if you're going to be a volunteer. and we have a very good record of many thousands of commercial trials. they're very safe. you get to people and there are side effects and they can be managed. the clinical phase is the most expensive and that's where the most arguments are about. it costs a lot per patient in the united states to do this. and those studies are done to meet the fda standards to show that, as