dr. yang jiemian and dr. wu chunsi. they have both managed to get to washington despite a typhoon that disrupted all air operations out of shanghai. so we're extremely happy you're here safe and sound. we hope the jet lag won't keep you from raising strong arguments and lively discussions this morning. back in february 2014, the china u.s. exchange foundation and the shanghai institute for international studies issued a new report on a new model for major power relations. it stressed it needed to be more than building trust and avoiding conflict. they needed to look at forward-looking actions and cooperations to tackle joint problems like counterterrorism and climate change. at a private dinner following that launch of that report, some months before i joined, i hear a lively discussion taking place on the middle east. they discussed whether the u.s. and china could proactively coordinate smart policy on a range of common areas from energy security to countering violent extremism. it seems clear there were common intere