dr. zelenka? dr. zelenka, before i tell you my problem, you've got to believe me. you're the last doctor in the book, so, promise you won't hang up on me. i'm desperate. ah, thank you, doctor. well, a pail of carrots fell on my horse's head, -and he has amnesia. -(click) doctor, you promised! well, if you ask me, you need a doctor yourself. you know, you may be right. i mean, if i could get a doctor to treat me for amnesia, then i could find out how to treat you. all i've gotta do is convince carol, and she may call one. it's worth a chance. (door closing) oh, that poor horse. i hope the doctor can help him. honey, please hurry. you're holding us up. okay, gang, relax. i'll be right down. a concert, huh? (chuckling) ooh! carol: oh, wilbur! oh! oh! wilbur! oh, wilbur! oh, he hit his head. wilbur, are you all right? his eyes look glassy. he always looks like that. oh, wilbur, did you hurt yourself? wilbur? who's wilbur? who are you people, anyway? where am i? oh, wilbur, you did hurt yourself! he's only faking. mister, will you take your daughter and get out of here?