. >> mayor dragan markovic doles out the equivalent of some 30,000 euros on friday.has gotten him plenty of supporters. he holds a seat in the national assembly. his party is a member of the ruling coalition in belgrade. he is influential well beyond jagodina. >> it has been like this for the past six years. i will have about 1500 people on a day like today. >> palma is less eager to talk about where the funding comes from for his friday generosity. critics accuse him of buying public support. times are tough in jagodina in central serbia. the signs are plain to see. the rundown areva has been struggling for survival. -- the run down brewery has been struggling for survival. the department store shot down. he has left his stamp on jagodina with a large recreational park, a soccer stadium, and a popular water park. he has also attracted industry with the promise of free land. the government provides farmers with cows to encourage people to stay in rural areas. a village on the outskirts of the city is home to one family. all they had to get a cow was to register with