fracking? >> high drawlic fracturing? >> no. >> fracturing. >> what? >> my name is chris guardianer and i'm the director of long beach gas and oil inch the past year we did 130 new oil wells in long beach. these are offshore from the oil operations that -- oil islands, and of those we did 8% of -- about ten of the wells were involving fracking. >> to truly understand what fracking is we took a trip to a company. >> it's a mile a while, drill down and into that. this was the layer. we come down, down, down, mile deep, and it goes sideways. the next thing is we want to open the fracture. >> the company shoots down a mixture of water, sand, and chemicals, and explosions, and then the high pressure of the fluids break apart the rocks and allow the gas or oil to escape and flow, flow up to the surface. >> high drawlic fracking is kick starting our energy industry. >> the high draw look -- done. >> the u.s. just passed russia as number two we're going to pass saudi arabia and be number one. >> there's so much interest in production, so many more jobs being c