they call it drawma. it's a useful word.ying the official definition is verbal or physical abuse or harassment repeated over time and involves a power imbalance. >> stephen: official from websters or the government department of bully something in what do you mean official? >> from academics who study. this the people who created what i think of as the field of bullying studies which say real field of study. >> stephen: should there be? if we're making too much of bullying should there be a department at yale? are you saying we don't think enough or too much? >> we need to figure out how to use the label fairly. we need more researchers thinking about how to prevent it and how to help schools and whole communities, families solve the problem. >> stephen: do you think i'm a bully? >> i thought about this a lot. [ laughter ] i any sometimes -- [laughter] [cheers and applause] >> stephen: it's okay.