there's an organization called dreamworks that is reframing aging and we are looking to adopt that model in san francisco and thing about how we talk about aging, being much more deliberate in using language to think about older adults, talking about older adults and aging instead of thinking about people being frail, thinking about people aging and the best way they can pick and it does mean looking at aging and think it's all glowing and it doesn't mean that people don't get sick or that we are not going to acknowledge that, but there are ways to talk about it and use language in a way that we can really just talk about it and focus on that. >> we will take a quick break. we will come back to continue our conversation. please join us in just a moment here on mosaic. >>> good morning, and welcome back to mosaic. i'm rabbi eric weiss. we are in the middle of a wonderful conversation about the dignity fund and the department of aging adult services with shereen and ramona the chair of the dignity fund oversight and advisory committee. welcome back, ramona injuries. >> thank you. >> we wer