virtually inside city limits of berlin and so he changed his mind and directed his armies towards dresden, to the southeast in order to cut germany in half. in retrospect i think it was entirely the right decision, the british were not happy with it, churchill in particular believed there should have been an effort to push to berlin, but 70 years later, that decision holds on really well. >> host: walking piper speaking of the battle of the bulge. >> guest: he was a lieutenant colonel. he was the point of the experience the attack that began in december 16th, 1944. his task was to lead an armored column through the american defense and get to the news river and help capture bridges across the news and proceed on to m 4, cute important belgian port, piper was quite sophisticated, spoke english, spoke french, had two brothers who had been killed in the war, very intelligent, utterly ruthless and so what we find with piper's column, they're finding difficulties right from the get go on december 16th, the timetable is disrupted, things are moving slower than they're supposed to be moving, he