dresstton gin, it would 50 pounds per day. we have a time, using five different time periods, the progression of the equipment of the cotton gin, going from hand waterpowered, internal combustion and electrical powered. our final phase, stage of the con gin, the machine will do about 10,000 pounds per hour versus 50 pounds per day with the invention of the continent gin. -- cotton gin. we just expanded on the efficiency and speed. it's a pretty neat exhibit here, explaining the time caring -- time period. in my time, we transferred from hand harvesting, it's hard to imagine that we used to harvest totally by hand in the u.s.. we have transitioned to a drawnster that was mule- in 1931, and then the first tractor mounted harvester by john deere. trying to show different aspects of how harvest has transitioned from hand harvest to the modern-day machine we have in the other building. what 1000vest up to people would harvest in one day, that machine can do it by itself. one thing we are trying to show off in these areas, somebody t