otto drexler at your service. very nice, irma steiner. this is my friend. irma.or tonight, no plans, we arrived yesterday, today i registered at the commandant’s office, now i understand how you found out about me, i want to open my actually, i do deliveries. it's a good thing, but it won't be easy for you. why ? barbarian country. there are a lot of nuances. i would appreciate it if you could tell me about this. oh god, unfortunately i have to go. it’s a pity, i could use the advice of a knowledgeable person. come over tonight to our officers' club. there we can talk calmly, with pleasure, it seems to me that i saw you yesterday at the estate, yes, i was there, you were with a girl, a blonde, this is my assistant, angelina, it would be nice if she could come too, she from ukraine, they can. yes, it's true, but here we set the rules, she can come, we are waiting for you at 9:00, see you soon, gentlemen. you need to inhale, hold your breath, well, you yourself taught us, when you’re nervous, inhale, i’m not nervous, i’m silent, that means, i’ll wait for you outsid