. >> supervisor elsbernd: i'll trustee driscoll -- or trustee myberg erwho has the history tell us what our fund status was when we had this kind of investment style. but go ahead, continue. >> you want me to tell you no you? >> supervisor elsbernd: we'll let them get to it when they make their presentationed. >> the jury found prior to 1984 they invested in a more -- in a easy-going, low-risk. after 1984, the fund started to follow the yale model, investing in more alternative riskier investments, causing the fund to become more volatile, the return to become more volatile, while showing no significant increase in returns over the long-term. and has been underfunded for the last three years. thus facing more contributions by the city, and taxing our general fund. >> supervisor elsbernd: just as a side, jay, if you could also prepare, tell us what the city's contributions was in those years as a percent of payroll. >> and they're also facing a higher retiree active ratio than they had previously. for example, the fund since 1984 has the following -- volatility of fund loss significant v