great deer food and they commend destroy them take a number of mine up in the drivewayf at my house is hostas time to yes yes. f we have a big big birthday to talk about todaye 96 years old and i know she is probably watching right now this is our director john's grandma look how cute she is. are those the flowers john daughter? she anyway and supposedly she got all mad is spread over on hisppn her birthday. >> i heard she is a most excellent cook i bet she makes italian foodak what you think? >> i have a feeling she does and it's absolutely delicious. happy happy happy birthdayel so wonderful and many more to come amazing. you are on a roll.t >> will we see the giraffes today? >> i was thin good idea that's what ib do in y spare time going to see giraffes at the they are one of e most popular animals for sure because you know you can get up close and personal with the animals we will take you nose to nose with them.o great giraffe park mostly because the dedication of our keepers and veterinarian crew that keep them together every day they work closely not only to have them int