we've got to the get this should drls.on here, so maybe everyone's confident can, listen, when trump was elected, they hit the ground running, it'd be nuts, crazy for them to -- >> but the republicans don't always stay together on these matters, unfortunately. charles: yeah. any of this ore stuff, you know, are you concerned? geopolitical risks? a.i., bubbles? >> no, the tail risks almost by definition the ones we're not thinking of, and certainly the inflation story, that's a shop-worn theme, the trade war, we've heard that for a while. the u.s. is in a much better negotiating position than almost all of its trading partners. we're the biggest consumer in the world. to me, president trump's policies are spot on in that regard. so that, to me, is not a risk. charles: and he's coming from strength. >> thank you, charles. charles: great seeing you. all right, folks, don't look now, but commodities are coming on strong, and when that happens, there's just one person, former gartman her publisher dennis garth man. dennis, i ju