dro newve a -- when you drove a spare, was it a rabcab? y >>es. -- >> yes. >> only recently? >> if your car is broken, you can take any spare in the garage. >> thank you. any public comment? seeing them, would you care to have any rebuttal? you have three minutes. mr. sinitsyn, you have anything else to add? the matter is submitted. >> this is difficult and this is horrible. when we get a lot of these cases, the decision we make is going to affect some one substantially, financially. in order to get a medallion, there are two requirements. you keep track of your bills. so that they can determine whether or not the full time driving requirements were met. i would hate to think what if there was no fabrication, the situation where the spirit have was really the fault of luxor as much as it was of this individual. all of those things can affect you emotionally and intellectually. the fact remains that in order to get a medallion, you have to have proven they you have driven a certain number of hours. you have to keep records. i am entirely sympathetic to this individual, but i s