the range of tools performing on high drolg, if you invest in this you should expect it will perform more poorly in the future than today. that's not just a matter of looking that vulnerability of your existing system but it helps drive water manager's choices going forward. because - if you look at the next slide, the question of water manager's impact starts with snow,pack, storage loss, but if your planning a reservoir it's important to note there's a significant potential for decrease in total reservoir inflow. a number of panelist mentioned that so if your thinking to invest, make sure the water your thinking about capturing will be there in several decades. if your thinking about a new or augmented storage, surface diversion. think about what's going to happen to stream flows and if the water is there in several decades. it may be there today and not in the future. you think of relying on new ground water basins that rely on natural recharge. think about higher evaporation losses. what these things have in common is that tools that rely on traditional, natural ,hydrology, will