the magic of the giant underground lakes and drossos and the frozen poetry of the ice bring peace. into a fantastic world of ancient caves. the practice of guided tours here is almost one hundred years old valentyn rep continues the tradition of the first ghost clinic of he loves the cave as if it were his own home to a dolphin swimming here in search of his beloved mermaid but he failed to find her and turned to stone because of the owner acquired love of everyone searching for love knocks on the dolphin and the dolphin sings and their wishes come true. in the past people used to carry same torches or candles in spotless to light up the cave but by the end of the twentieth century electricity was restored today a torchlight procession in the cave is only for special occasions and now it's in tribute to alexander clinic of thanks to him tourists can venture underground every day. guided tourists into the cave until his very death even to the point where he was almost blind he connected the past the present and the future it was a constant process and eternal link between the myster