he was frustrated because it was difficult for him to communicate with drouirectors. a director would say i want music that sounds like x and the director would say this sounds like x and he would no, no, something that sounds like x. so his idea was you could breakdown music into its genes and map that up to 450 different characterist characteristics and create something that looked at every song. just by way of example, think of vocalist, nora jones, very light and breathy. compare her to tom yates or bob dillion. that is just one example of the ways in which musicolgist will analyze the song and categorize the genes. then we use collective intelligence. so think of that as how a song plays for everybody on the service. if you have a station you seeded with the almond brothers, for example, we can tell how well songs by the marshal tucker band plays for everyone with a similar station. and we use colllabrative filtering and that is an individual level analysis. so if both you and i happen to like a song whipping post by the almond brothers and you like this old cowb