fact that the 49ers past that day on future hall of famer aaron rodgers. 97 the 49ers took jim druckenmiller have to go all the way back to 1967 to find another 49ers quarterback taken in round one. that year was heisman trophy winner steve spurrier, who backed up another first round choice. john brody, and what will be their 75th year of existence. the 49ers have taken a first round quarterback on lee seven times the remaining three y a. tittle and the all american conference dispersal draft earl moral. and billy kilmer with the first pick in the one that quarterback has chosen early in the draft first round. it usually means he's going to a bad team. you know, i do think we're somewhat uniquely. um, set up for a rookie quarterback to come in with a team that we think is going to be pretty good. no one's ever a slam dunk when we look at the history of this league, but you see, five guys keep will be a starting quarterback, and i do the uncertainty of the whole thing as what makes it either fun or nerve wracking, depending on your point of view. ah further illustration. two quarterbacks stan