still use them, author of high price,hat challenges everything you know about drugs and society, says drugsre not as addictive or as dangerous as government, media va made thehave made them out t. carl hart, why should w believe you, you look like a drug dealer. >> drug dealers must be attractive as hell these days, i have been studying drugs for 20 something years and the effects of drugs i people. john: at columbia unirsity, you briing people in for tests. >> like marijuana, methamphetamine, crack cocaine. the data shows that the vast majority of people who use these drugs do not go on to become addicted. some of tse peopleho have used these drugs go to to be president. current president. before the curb know president, george w. bush. bill clinton, a of though guys have used illegal drugs at some point in their life. john: all we know for sure, is that they used weed and maybe dabbled inocaine, in a coue cases. the message now is that crack, and meth, it gets worse, and it is those are just, they automatically hook you. >> same thing was said about marijuana, in 1930s, people said, you go