this is actually our yard before construction on the left, drurg construction in the middle, and then after construction. you can see the slope that borders the neighbor's fence is the same. some movement of dirt occurred during the construction process, but at any given time, it was under 30 inches. the fence in question, again, not needing a permit, was under 6 feet and was verified by inspector kevin birmingham, thank you for your time jacqueline dolev, owner of 3025 scott street. >> this permit also had something to do with handrails? >> yes, sir. >> where are those handrails? >> the handrails right along -- right along those -- >> where the steps are? >> exactly, on either side, that's correct. >> and at what elevation are the french drains located with respect to the retaining wall? [inaudible] >> if you can approach the microphone. >> kellen willoughby, construction manager. we installed the french drains on a bed of base rock. i also, if i could, just go through the appeal here kind of word for word. if you go through exhibit a and take a look at what -- new could go