battleship in a floating drydock. in 1944, that is the west virginia. i do not think they had moved it to the philippines yet. we had 10 advanced talks this side. people have said he was being punished, joe regarded it as a positive indication that he would be allowed to commands u.s.hing that cost taxpayers a lot of money to build. by the end of world war ii, before the japanese surrendered, we had over 100 floating drydock's in the pacific. you don't just improvised those things overnight, after 1941. important tobly weigh how we get to the endgame. but i want to talk about a couple of things. first, let's think about some shaping components. again, i show this to my students at fort leavenworth, and i have to explain to them the japanese policy. i did do some terror imaging, which you should not do, but have to because you have to have a firm of reference. operate the same way. they have a secretary of the navy of the secretary for war, the systems are so different between the two. wegree with those who say did not have a really good understanding on