the diagnostic and statistical manual, dsm, you're familiar with this, jane, the official psych bible addictions, you think about the hallmarks of substance abuse. one of them is physical withdrawal. and again, you write about this very candidly in your book. i mean, it's tough to be a recovering alcoholic. you have the physical withdrawal symptoms. and that's one of the things that people look at in terms of saying this was an addiction. that doesn't happen with sex, though. >> well, look, there are substance addictions and then there are behavioral addictions. and if you want to broadly define the term addiction and we can have a semantical debate about it but it's a compulsive behavior that you continue, despite the fact that it's destroying your life and destroying the lives of people around you. and so, ultimately, however you want to define it, it's a huge problem in america. >> you know, look, if you have a gambling addiction, quote/unquote, you can still lose your home to foreclosure. alcoholics can still get convicted of dui. so, i mean, the excuse part i think you and i both