based on dsm criteria, the diagnostic criteria for addiction. they estimate this that there are 8,000 plus people in san francisco with opiate use disorder. we know in methadone treatment we have 4516. that includes methadone treatment. we can count it. it including every prescriber in the whole city. that shows an extra 2000 or so that people. that means that we have 3669 people who aren't in treatment, right? so if they are not in treatment and all of the open slots we have capacity for up to 13,000, why aren't they in treatment? the national survey asked that of people who aren't in treatment, how much want treatment? 5% perceive the need for treatment who aren't in treatment when it is freely available, right? that means out of the 3,600, 370 want treatment and aren't getting it. why aren't they getting it? this is an important question to ask for treatment on demand. when it is available on a walk-in basis on the same day, yet uv over 300 people not getting treatment, why is that? i think the answer to that has to do with people experiencin