it has dthone at. thcoe sendhi tng that the ehous was waiting for was the cost of this bill.he maestitero fm the corengssional budgffet oicjue st ca imin nutes ago, judy. let me tyoell u atwh the congressiobunal dg oetffice unfod, that the l totaspdienng inhi ts bill is $1ri.7 th's about whatex we peedct, however, somngethi tt hawe did nonet cessarily ex, pectth tathe bi wldou add $367 bin llioto the cidefit. at is someththing at t ihink yocod ulexpect repubnslica to lkta about in co dmingays. nohew, trere a some highlights from whao t cbfod.un some of thgge bierss iues, some ofhe t bigger chunf ks oth,is d chilca, repre-k universal, that'a's ou$3t 82 billion worth of this .bill also, anotbiher g-cktiet item, dimecaid expansi$1on, 67 billion. both oosf the emits, judy, among thos te inhibis ll that would ctaffe hdruneds of milliofons peopleth in isou cntry. asou y heard, bothti paresgr aee this bilull wod be ansformational. th jeyust disagreer ovewhheetr atou wld be good od r bafor this cou.ntry judy: , wellli, satell us a li mttleorabe out what thepe sco of thills bi