all of them, and the two main ones that we are really looking to see is that we want to see if the dtnc don't leave behind the disabled community and that they don't only going to the rich areas of city and these reports will be due to us on september, 2014, and once we see the data, and once we have verifiable information and then i think that the commission will open phase two and begin to modify what is necessary. and we win convene that one year after the issuance of the decision and like i said by then we will have the verifiable data and i think that we felt. and as we issued the draft decision, and we opened it up for anyone who wanted to file the comments with us, and i believe that both the mayor of san francisco, and the mayor of la, sent us letters, and in complete support of our decision, i believe. and i am not sure if those letters on the website, but, we received those letters and, we also received just recently, a letter from the head of san francisco airport and, asking us to promoting our or supporting our decision in asking us to quickly, issue permits, so that they c