duane coombs: catastrophic wildfire created by this in invasive grass.ustice best: based on the sage-grouse's current threats, many people believe placing them on the endangered species list will hinder their recovery. katrina krause: one way it might help is that it will bring it more into the spotlight for the general public. people tend to pay more attention when a species is in peril and it is obvious when it is listed. so that might generate more conservation activity. dr. tamzen stringham: if the bird is listed, the bureau of land management will have to do consult with the u.s. fish and wildlife service on any management activities that occur within areas determined to be sage-grouse habitat, which is a large percentage of northern nevada. this will slow down the process of doing habitat restoration and it will also slow down other activities such as grazing mining, etc etera, on lands that are managed by blm. so there are conflicting opinions on whether or not this will help the bird, or will hamper the bird, because it will slow down the process