dubina, opera dubina from the admiralty district, do you know him? security service of this take-off company. a security guard, well, maybe. do you think he knows where the director of the company is hiding, i think we have to start somewhere, that’s right, that’s right, we now need any information about the takeoff, so, volodya, talk to the obepovtsy, maybe they’ve got an eye on this takeoff, yeah, well, then i’m in the court archives i’ll dig around, suddenly, listen, the homeless man told me that this is money for paintings, well, i don’t know, but he collects paintings from vegans? collecting, collecting russian paintings, interesting, look after the small courtyard, somehow it’s scary to leave paul alone, everything is done, the main premiere of the year, on the road, gentlemen, ekaterina alekseevna, my duty, your safety, that you are still hanging around the empress, and you if you believe that the place of favorite is still yours, trust me, justice will prevail. i can help? ekaterina, favorites, tomorrow on rtr. rest - is to leave yourself alo