two heart surgeries for gracie, and awe dudrey. last month one mom was curious about the path. she discovered this photo. it shows audrey with another baby who looks just like her. >> it was unbelievable. this is st there are two of them. as soon as i had that picture, i was desperate to find out who that other child was. >> reporter: jennifer with the help of facebook eventually finds the other mother and gracie. >> it's the craziest thing in the world to look at your child kp exactly. everything was the same. the same hair. the same glasses. the same outfits. that was the moment i knew that they were the same. >> it was so crazy to be looking at what looked like gracie but knowing that it wasn't gracie. >> right. >> yeah. it's just surreal. it's hard to process that information. >> reporter: now the twin girls coming face to face for the first time. audrey, are you ready? >> yeah. >> reporter: you want to do this? >> all right. >> reporter: come over here and stand right here. okay. you ready? i'm going to back away. moment. all right. gracie, come on out meet your sister. [