commissioner dufty thank you. >> thank you.r mcspadden and definitely the the presentation slides as it relates to you know, getting more coordination in terms of high need older folks that it is something that we've we've wanted to see for a long time. i thought i would just bring up the issues that were discussed at the last commission meeting by megan raw and marni reagan about the problem solving situation and and you talked about the fact that abound had sort of accelerated disbursements and that it it caused some problems and so i, i was kind of wondering like how are we dealing with that and what possibility is there? i mean we agreed as as commissioners to go and talk with the board of supervisors is we i want to have a meeting with the president of the board to show respect for his new role and to see what advice he would have about it. but you know, from a dollars and cents standpoint it just seems like taking our foot off the gas so to speak is is problematic because the results of what we've seen with problem solvin