so what i did was i combined, along with martin dugard, my co-author, a history with a thriller aspectovel, and created a book that you don't have to like history to read. it's really a fun, exciting read. and they've done very, very well. >> seth: and so patton died in a car crash from complications in a car crash. you think there might be more to the story? >> well, it's the strangest car crash you've ever seen and we lay out the audience -- we lay out the evidence for the reader. i've never seen anything like it. a big truck comes out of nowhere on a clear day and there's a general and his friend driving down one side, it smashes in. no reason for them to hit it. and we knew stalin wanted patton dead. there had been two prior assassination attempts on patton because patton wanted to fight the russians. and after they -- the allies defeated the nazis, patton said to truman and fdr, "hey. these are your enemies. these guys aren't gonna pull back." and pat was absolutely right! so stalin wanted him out of the way and that's what we believe might have happened. the evidence is pretty co