the legalized bribery, except when it becomes illegal as it did in 2000 with two cunningham -- duke cunningham going to jail, bob banned his lobbyist staff. -- and his lobbyist staff. and members do use it to help themselves get reelected, but it's not a big piece of what they do and not all of them have .one it we don't think it should be coming back at all that's why we are happy to see the republicans in the senate agree to a permanent ban. goes one of the earmarks for the f 35 fighter jets. we actually had a flyover and d.c. of one of those jets earlier this week. let's look at some of the footage from that flyover, provided to us by abc news area -- news. we were all in washington and we hear that flyover that happened earlier this week from that fighter. what did you find out about the f 35 fighter and why is it in this? guest: it's eight years behind schedule, with a budget that's almost twice the amount per plane that they thought it would be. the lifetime maintenance costs and operations cost is $1.2 trillion, up 20% from $1 trillion a year ago. problems,reported more this week, they