i am blessed we are, when we walk bravely, firm with you. thorny path of life grand duke konstantin konstantinovicht's not far, at my house. i live here near. come on. no, is that, is it uncomfortable? let's do it another time, which means it's inconveniently convenient and then the cafe will close soon. i'm sorry, i. i ca n't go home to an unfamiliar man, marina do you really feel that being left alone with a woman. i'll throw the same one at her as you keep the rent. me again please. from good morning activities. good morning. marinochka scrambled eggs for breakfast is suitable. yes of course, thank you very much. sorry, i fell asleep yesterday and did the right thing. but i just couldn’t sleep, but i solved the problem, which over which fought for 10 years no less. imagine coffee now, i don’t offer it, but there are excellent teas. thank you. interesting well, thank you for spending? i'm probably on my own and i'm sorry again that this happened to me. this is the first time, honestly, mommy, i'm igor. recently, acquaintances in the morning, we go together about your wife. this is my wife, and th