going to show you one of our most important works of art in this museum — it is the cauldron of duke of mao ago. and the outside decoration is modest, but quite important, in fact, is the inscription inside. you can find 500 chinese characters being cast and this is the longest inscription ever found in any ancient chinese bronze. was it quite common back in those days to inscribe the inside of a cauldron like this? indeed. it was during the zhou dynasty. and also the calligraphy — it's beautiful, actually. yes. it's archaic style. and, actually, you can compare it with the modern day mandarin. yes. ah, i see. and how does it compare to modern day mandarin? you can still recognise, like, ah, this is the king — 3,000 years ago. this is the modern day king. yes, yeah. so it's easy to recognise. and this one's very similar, too. yes, it's heaven, actually, because it's above human beings. this is heaven. this is actually the character of human being. ah, yeah, it does look like a man. yes. ever since the end of the civil war in the late 1940s, there's been a strange relationship between the ch