, the army, khan, batu broke into ryazan and this began the mongol invasion of russia grand duke yuri igorevich asked for help from neighbors, but did not receive it, tried to solve the matter peacefully sent to khan batuy son fedor with gifts, but when the khan demanded his wife, fedor refused and the ambassadors were killed in the battle on the river. voronezh, the russians bravely fought, but the forces were not equal, according to various estimates of the mardy people, it was from 150 to 300,000. ryazan was well fortified. deep ditches, high tower walls. however, batu had ballistae, stuffed cars, ryazanians, heroically held out for 5 days and already on the street they fought in the hands of a tower in the annals it is said and not a single living person was left in the fence, everyone died at the same time and one for all the cup of death and damn but the valor of the ryazan people of courage , with which they defended their homeland about their immortal feat in history on december 21, 1898, the united states annexed the philippines for more than 300 years. this country was a spanish colon