we want them to look at integrating this new fourth floor, this vertical motion dulation. we want them to integrate the architectural style the porches that cover the windows. we want them to study the color and tone of the bricks and make them more compatible with the materials being used on the project and as always we don't have the design of the doors and we want to make sure that they are compatible with the other materials and they screen the parking from pedestrian view which is required by the d for d. lastly if they do a condominium map, we need to see the condominium map and the restrictions and any homeowners association documents. in terms of economic development and employment and contracting with small businesses, you guys all know that ocii equal opportunity employment program and policies seek to promote economic development in the shipyard through this development by hiring contractors. for the shipyard we have the bayview and program and they have 50 percent goals in particular the sb has a 50 percent goal with contract with sb e for first consideration f