. >> stephen: that was the original dumont test pattern, wasn't it?stephen: that's how old of a reference that is.udience knoa dumont reference. >> that even went over my head. >> stephen: what does that have to do with this? >> i'm an insomniac. i have no trouble going to sleep but i'm always up between 12:00 and 3:00. >> stephen: gotcha. >> and i always watcho movies. i was watching i believe it was 1978's "heav ken wait," which most of you probably haven't seen, but probably more than have seen "brockmire." >> stephen: how many have seen "heaven can wait." ( applause ). >> so i'm watching it on the computer. i'm lying on my side trying to go back-- with the ear bud in. >> and see a big wide shot. i'm like, "i know"-- even interest a distance, i know that jacket. and then in the close tight shot, the great jack warden there with buck henry and barren beatty, there is-- that's the jacket! that's the-- and, listen, i bought this jacket myself at a thrift shop in l.a. for $18. an american rag. and they raid hollywood wardrobe, costume departments. this